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All proceeds will help us continue with and further improve our multi-language, simplified, trusted, and highly sought after Educational Cancer Programs.
How do we make a difference in people's lives worldwide?
Read L. Emma's Story:
"Cancer Research Simplified provides us the information we need and looking for in a way that we can reach easily and understand. Also, I find the symposiums they have been organizing are informative and help to find answers to the questions I have in my mind about cancer types and treatments."
Read Busra Yilmaz's Story:
"It's plain as day that the lecture about prostat cancer was the best lecture I have ever joined. I've just gotten to know Cancer Research Simplified and I am so glad I did. I do appreciate every moment as a volunteer. I learned many things. After this lecture, I want to join all lectures of Cancer Research Simplified and continue to be a volunteer of this great organization. Thank you so much."
Read Nejla Aydın Özer's Story:
"I would like to thank you to all workers of Cancer Research Simplified notably the founder, Dr. Aygün Şahin, who do not look out for any pecuniary advantage and do work only for people to become conscious, and show an extraordinary effort in order to reach us via all channels, including social media, with videos, short information depending on research results, and articles. Hoping you to continue to make our lives more easier and to raise awareness with your publications…" Nejla Aydın Özer, İstanbul, Türkiye
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