#MelanomaAwarenessMonth #SkinCancerAwarenessMonth
May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month! We have much information on skin cancer, melanoma (the most serious and dangerous type of skin cancer), sunscreens, tanning beds and melanoma risk, sun protection, and much more on our website (simply select any of our articles you'd like to read from the list) and on our Youtube channel. #MelanomaAwarenessMonth #SkinCancerAwarenessMonth #may #skincancer #melanoma #tanningbed #solarium #cancer #cancerawareness #cancerprevention #cancereducation #cancerpatients #cancersurvivors #sunscreens #sunblock #sunprotection #health #healthylifestyle
May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month! We have much information on brain cancer, including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most aggressive and deadly type of brain cancer in adults, FDA approvals, news, wireless phones and much more on our website. Simply select any of our articles you'd like to read. Also, don't forget to get our handmade CERI Brain Cancer Awareness Scarf, in memory or in honor of your loved ones, or simply show support to our cancer programs. We have only 2 items left - so, get your scarf today on our online store. #canceredinstitute #BrainCancerAwarenessMonth #may #braincancer #glioblastoma #glioblastomamultiforme #GBM #neuroblastoma #childhoodbraincancer #adultbraincancer #cancerresearch #fdaapprovals #cancerdrugs #cancertreatment #cancerawareness #cancereducation #cancerpatients #cancersurvivors #childhoodcancer
May 9 is National Women's Check-Up Day! We have much information on breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers as well as on thermography on our website at canceredinstitute.org and on our youtube channel at youtube.com/canceredinstitute. Doing your regular check-ups is very important not only for early detection of cancer, but also for 'any' disease. _____ Don't forget to follow us @canceredinstitute #canceredinstitute and subscribe to our youtube channel, don't miss our cancer videos: youtube.com/canceredinstiute #nationalwomenscheckupday #may #cancerawareness #womenshealth #checkup #health #checkupday #breastcancer #cancer #ovariancancer #cervicalcancer #thermography #ultrasound #mammogram #earlydetection #earlydetectionofcancer #cancerdiagnosis #earlydiagnosis
Gene identified necessary for pancreatic cancer development! Researchers from New York University and University of Michigan have identified a gene called Atdc (ataxia-telangiectasiagroup D-complementing) that is necessary for pancreatic cancer development. Pancreatic ductaladenocarcinoma (PDA) is an aggressive form of pancreatic cancer that is driven by the oncogenic (cancer causing) KRAS. It is diagnosed in late stages and is resistant to therapy. “We thought the deletion [of the Atdc gene] would slow cancer growth, not completely prevent it,” said Diane Simeone, director of the Pancreatic Cancer Center of NYU LangoneHealth’s PerlmutterCancer Center, and corresponding author of the study. The researchers have shown that deletion of the ataxia-telangiectasia group D-complementing (Atdc) gene, which is up-regulated (found in multiple copies) in the majority of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, completely prevented PDA development in the context of oncogenic KRAS. When the Atdc gene was present, 100% of the mice with KRAS and other mutations (gene abnormalities) developed PDA. Mice lacking ATDC are protected from developing PDA. As for the mechanism, the researchers showed that ATDC promotes acinar–ductal metaplasia (ADM) to pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) through the activation of β-catenin signaling and subsequent SOX9 up-regulation (over expression). This breakthrough study revealed great hope for the development of potential new therapies for pancreatic cancer. The study has been published today, May 2, 2019 in the scientific journal Genes & Development. Corresponding author of this study is Dr. Diane Simeone: [email protected] #breakingnews #breakthrough #science #sciencenews #cancerresearch #pancreaticcancer #cancer #cancerresearch #genes #newyorkuni #nyulangone #umich #umichigan #newyork #michigan #langone #hope #pancreaticcancerawareness
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