Ramazan Bayramınızı CERI Aileniz olarak en içten dileklerimizle kutlar, sağlık, huzur ve bereketli bir bayram dileriz.
From our CERI Family to yours, wishing you a joyful, peaceful, and prosperous Eid al-Fitr! Ramazan Bayramınızı CERI Aileniz olarak en içten dileklerimizle kutlar, sağlık, huzur ve bereketli bir bayram dileriz. @canceredinstitute canceredinstitute.org canceredinstitute.org/turkce #ramadan #ramazan #eid #happyeid #eid #eid2021 #eidalfitr #eidfitr2021 #eidulfitr #eidmubarak2021 #eidathome #evdebayram #evderamazanbayramı #alfitr #ramazanbayramı #ramazanbayramınızkutluolsun #bayramınızmübarek
Today is National Women's Check-up day! Please make sure you book an appointment with your doctor as early detection is the key for successful cancer treatment. And if it turns out you're completely healthy - great! It is always better to be safe than sorry. To learn more about all early detection techniques and test, make sure you watch our videos on our Youtube channel: YouTube.com/canceredinstitute #Empowermentagainstcancer™ #CERICares Please share and save this post.
@canceredinstitute canceredinstitute.org ________ #womenshealth #checkup #womenscheckup #womenscheckupday #nationalwomenscheckupday #may #cancer #health #earlydetection #cancerawareness #earlycancerdetection Watch our Breast Cancer Symposium Takeaways & Nutritional Guidance to learn more the advances in breast cancer: https://youtu.be/LbYk2qaHj6g For more of our resources on women's health, click here: https://www.canceredinstitute.org/cancer-blog-english/national-womens-health-week #Empowermentagainstcancer™ #CERICares #TipTuesday @canceredinstitute canceredinstitute.org _________________ #breastcancer #breastcancerrisk #womenshealth #nationalwomenshealthweek #womenshealthweek This week is National Women’s Health Week! This week is dedicated for women to
#Empowermentagainstcancer™ #CERICares #CERIinforms #CancerSimplified Check out all our resources on Women's Health here. Read our article about tips on healthy lifestyle, diet, and exercise: canceredinstitute.org/nutrition-healthy-diet-exercise Also, watch our video about breast cancer and healthy diet tips! Please share, make everyone aware! #NationalWomensHealthWeek #WomensHealth #Health #healthylifestyle #healthylife #CancerAwareness #CancerPrevention #CancerEducation #cancer #breastcancer #cervicalcancer #endometrialcancer #lungcancer #obesity #exercise #walk #run #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #cancerscreening #earlyscreening
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