Test your cancer knowledge with our one-question quiz - every Wednesday! Tell us your name or initials, so that we can mark you as the winner if answered correctly. Don't worry, we won't spam you!
Here are our CERI Cancer Quiz winners! Thank you all for participating and see you all again next week! We have one more winner on our Youtube channel. Congratulations to all! Also, watch our video to learn more about this ground-breaking research in pancreatic cancer: Test your cancer knowledge with our one-question quiz - every Wednesday! Hint: Click on the picture to watch our video or click here. Tell us your name or initials, so that we can mark you as the winner if answered correctly. Don't worry, we won't spam you! Congratulations to all our winners!
It looks like we have four more winners on our Youtube channel too - congrats to everyone! Not the winner? Try again next week! Thank you all for participating! Test your cancer knowledge with our one-question quiz - every Wednesday! Don't worry, we won't spam you!