In many countries, and yes, even here in the United States, senior citizens are ‘still’ part of the workforce. For all their lifetime efforts for their communities, for our world, and hardships they went through senior citizens deserve to be celebrated and well taken care of – not only today, but every day!
✅ Call them, say hi!
✅ Take them to a day out; do something fun together.
✅ Help them with their chores.
✅ Bake, cook some good food.
✅ Volunteer at, and/or donate to a senior center.
✅ Listen to their stories.
✅ Hug them, hold their hands, show your love.
Bir kıdemli vatandaşımız için ne yapabilirsiniz? Buradakiler sadece birkaç örnek:
✅ Ara onu, merhaba de!
✅ Onu bir günlük geziye çıkar; birlikte eğlenin.
✅ Ev işlerinde ona yardım et.
✅ Lezzetli bir şeyler pişir.
✅ Kıdemli vatandaşlar merkezinde gönüllü ol ve/veya bağış yap.
✅ Hikayelerini dinle.
✅ Ona sarıl, ellerini tut, sevgini göster.
Was kann man für einen Senioren tun? Hier nur einige Beispiele:
✅ Ruf sie an, sag hallo!
✅ Nimm sie mit zu einem Tagesausflug; habt Spaß zusammen.
✅ Helfe ihnen bei ihrem Haushalt.
✅ Backe oder koche etwas leckeres.
✅ Mache Freiwilligenarbeit und/oder Spende an ein Seniorenzentrum.
✅ Höre Dir deren Geschichten an.
✅ Umarme sie, halte ihre Hände, zeige deine Liebe.
#WelttagderSenioren #DünyaKıdemliVatandaşlarGünü #KıdemliVatandaşlar #Senioren #seniors