Cancer patients and family often don't know where to go, what to do after their diagnosis. Our organization is founded to solve exactly this problem: Knowledge is power and CANCER EDUCATION IS THE KEY for cancer patient's successful and timely treatment, while working TOGETHER with their medical team. Show your support to cancer patients and raise awareness for the importance of cancer education by participating to our campaign: #empowermentagainstcancer. Download this sign, write the person's name and country whom you support to be empowered, upload it send it us. That's it! Challenge your friends on social media to join the campaign. The more people send in, the bigger we can grow our campaign, thus, more patients may be helped by us through our cancer education programs. Show us and your loved ones that you care, join our campaign! Remember, knowledge is power!
My mom, Claire, Los Angeles, USA
My uncle, Mike H., Sidney, Australia
Myself, Ana Ramirez, Puebla, Mexico
My aunt, Diana Smith, Liverpool, UK
My brother, Paul, Washington D.C., USA
My fiancé, Samya Salmeen, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
#Cancer #fightcancer #beatcancer #campaign #campaignagainstcancer #cancercampaign #cancereducation #patienteducation #publiceducation #cancerawareness #simplifiedcancereducation #multilanguagecancereducation #canceredinstitute
English: #empowermentagainstcancer
German: #starkgegenkrebs
Turkish: #kanserekarşıgüçlendirilme
Afrikaans: #bemagtigingteenkanker
Spanish: #empoderamientocontraelcáncer
Italian: #empowermentcontroilcancro
Download your sign here!
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